Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Short Coming

I've got the idea, now I just have to learn a few tricks in the new software I'm using. Well, that and the fact that the servers are still down for maintenance are my hold-ups. I needs me some in-game footy! In the next couple of days I should have a short out, and after that I'll likely be working on a PvP movie, which will probably be a bitch for content quality since I'm still pretty low resilience. After both of those I plan on making a longer, plot-based movie -- my very first.

In the meantime, check this Warrior PvP video out even if you don't like PvP, because the introduction is top-notch.

GforceII - Haven towards left, Warrior turns right from Gforce on Vimeo.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

It's Not Jackie Chan

It might not be my video, but hell, I'm here to entertain you.

I give you the epitomy of awesome:

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Introduction

A blog usually reads a bit better when there's content, and such is this post. I figured I might as well give a quick introduction and throw some media in here to snag some initial viewers; hold some interest and get a reader base going, y'know?

My name is Cedric, though many know me as Smokin' Dave, most Smokin' Paladin on the Horde side of Laughing Skull. I like to make movies, be they plot-based, straight-up PvP or with the goal of stirring emotion -- I'm a music junky, so a lot of my movies will be focused on setting a mood to drive any sort of plot.

To start you guys off, take a look at a couple of my videos from different ends of the spectrum. I hope you enjoy 'em, and wish to see you commenting and visiting regularly :) I'll be posting probably twice a week right now, but plan to increase that in the near future.

Watch more video games and play free games at WeGame.

Watch more video games and play free games at WeGame.