Thursday, January 8, 2009

All Moved-In!

So, my room-mate is now done organizing and settled-in and I've got my computer built. I've gotta do a crap-ton of cleaning elsewhere in the "house" (see: shitty basement suite) so I can move stuff out of my room to make space for the new computer-station-thing I'll be machini-making on.

I'm hyped to get to work on it so I can try my hand at something new (to me): straight-up action! I made the decision today to try-out a purely fighting-oriented scene for practice with the model viewer and... well, editing. Yea. One of the biggest factors in this decision, though, is the fact that my room-mate is going to school for post-production audio engineering, the short terminology I'm at a loss for. Either way, he's agreed to be my sound effects bitch and throw everything over-top of my video as one of his school projects. Holla'!

Branching off of that topic, check-out the little screw-around, for-fun band he and his classmates started:

Anyone, something a bit more-specifically machinima-related -- where the fuck did go? I haven't yet set-up the map viewer and need the forums to get it running properly! If anyone actually reads this blog I'd appreciate it if they could share some knowledge, as Icecrown has too many crummy Undead wandering my sets. Little bastards.

Anyway, let's wrap things up with the random embed of the day, something I hope you've already seen. I'm posting it just in case, though, and because I love it -- I've watched it repeatedly it's so catchy, and the music kicks.

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